Chapter 1 The Beginning
chapter will show you a tried and true method of how to talk your
spouse/significant other into installing a pool, the advantages of
having a pool and how taking care of a pool does not have to be hard,
confusing or time consuming.
Chapter 2 The New Pool Basics
that you are ready to invest in a pool, it is time to learn all you can
about choosing the right contractor, what to do about utility lines and
landscaping and auditioning pool companies. Included is a story about one pool owner’s lack of concern when it came to landscaping and his “over-baked” wife.
Chapter 3 Construction
Construction can be exciting and frustrating. You
will learn the sequence, what to expect and look for from the
construction crew and some more funny stories as to what can happen
when someone has not made the right calculations. You will know what kind of finish and which colors work best for a gunite pool. What do you look for with a fiberglass pool, a pre-existing pool, and how do you keep an above ground pool standing.
Chapter 4 Evaporation
It doesn’t matter if you live in a dry or humid climate. Evaporation is going to happen. The sun and wind and just plain air are going to suck the water right out of your pool. Humidity, high or low, is not your pool’s ally. I can help sort this out.
Chapter 5 Equipment
There are numerous types and sizes of equipment you can use for taking care of your pool. Gunite and fiberglass pools use the same equipment but vinyl liner and above ground pools need different equipment. This chapter will tell you which type and size of various pieces of equipment to use on your pool. Pool
Vacs will also be covered. If you run out of certain chemicals, you
will have a list of products, for emergencies only, that can be used
until you remember to replace the proper chemical.
Chapter 6 Let’s Clean
This chapter gets down to business. You can handle this. Exact and precise step by step directions are given for cleaning your pool. You learn all about the different chemicals – which to use, how to use them, when to use them and where to buy them. You’ve heard of “pH”? Now you will know what to do if it is too high or too low. If you are toying with the idea of using Baquacil instead of chlorine, you will find out why that is a bad idea. If
you have an existing pool and want to switch to or back to chlorine
from Baquacil, there is a very simple method the pool companies won’t
tell you about. And on top of all this information, you get some more funny stories.
Chapter 7 Algae
Algae is a pain in the pool. There are easy methods for killing the aglae without murdering your pool. You will learn to troubleshoot that pool in case it ever gets icky. Read the “Green Swamp” and you’ll understand.
Chapter 8 Most Common Questions/Answers
These are the questions that are mostly asked. They are answered in everyday language, not tech-o-babble.
Chapter 9 Cleaning Filters
There are three types of filters. You have your sand. You have your diatomaceous earth (DE for short). You have your cartridge. Your sand and DE filters are great. The cartridge is a pain in the “neck”. The differences in the different filters will be explained.
Chapter 10 Motors
An electric motor should not be run 24/7. It’s only common sense to know what could happen. There are new energy-saving motors we’ll talk about.
Chapter 11 Heaters – Electric, Gas, Propane, Solar
All you ever wanted about heaters but were afraid to ask.
Chapter 12 Structural Problems
Structural problems cover a mirage of “money eaters”. In other words, if a professional has to repair a leak or crack, it’s going to really cost you. You can do it yourself. Yes, you really can. This
chapter is going to tell and show you how you can find and repair
leaks, cracks, replace tile and tell you about “The Rehab from Hell”. Chapter 13 Spas / Hot Tubs
and Hot Tubs are really more involved than a pool. We will start with
“where do I start” and go to closing the spa or hot tub when they will
not be used in the summer.
Chapter 14 Preventative Maintenance
This covers all you need to do to keep your pool in good condition. We cover everything from backwashing to what to do when it’s very hot, excessive rain to winterizing your pool. Another story will interest anyone who has a diesel truck and a pool.
Chapter 15 Pool, Spa, Hot Tub Covers
There are all sorts of covers. This chapter will tell you the differences, advantages, installation and care of each kind of cover.
Chapter 16 Bonus Tips
is easy to take care of a pool but there are some things you don’t know
or someone hasn’t told you how the “little” things can make a big
difference. Water. City or well? How do you keep the water sparkling, or do you really need a timer. What about the size of chlorine tablets? These subjects are covered, plus more.
Chapter 17 Common Sense
Do you really know what not to have around a pool? Sometimes it takes some thinking but it’s all common sense. This chapter will help with the common sense.
Chapter 18 Household Secrets
There are so many things pool supply companies will not tell you. You have household products that can help you with your pool. How do you keep bees away? How can bleach or baking soda or pantyhose help my pool? You’ll find out.
Chapter 19 The End
There are so many things you can accomplish by taking care of your own pool. To name three, you will feel good, your pool will look great and you will have saved a ton of money.
In the Appendix you will find all the tech stuff that most people don’t want to take the time to read. I call it “bathroom reading”. It is very informative and some people will expect it to be included.